Executive Protection: An International Assignment Case Study

Executive Protection: An International Assignment Case Study

The Client: In this executive protection case study example, PRS assisted a Fortune 500 high tech company based in the USA during business travel to Lagos, Nigeria during the fuel crisis in Western Africa.

The Situation: The client had 2 of their senior executives flying into Lagos, Nigeria in late May
2015 to attend several high-level business meetings around town in various locations and at
various times throughout a 3-day period. The travelers were new to the region and unfamiliar
with the surroundings and risks day-to-day in such logistics moving in & around the city.

The Solution: The local PRS private security services partner in Nigeria has vast resources
and experience operating day-to-day in country. PRS deployed 1 security driver and 1 close
protection officer (armed, concealed, plain-clothes) to escort the business travelers for the
duration of their stay. The PRS EP team put together a travel management plan in advance
of the travelers’ arrivals and shared the plan with them via email to best prepare &
familiarize the travelers with the EP team as well as rough expectations. The EP team met
the travelers outside baggage claim at the airport, greeting them with a hand-held sign that
was somewhat innocuous in name (actual names of individuals nor the company name were
not utilized), and escorted them to their hotel and other meetings around town for the
duration of their stay. The PRS partner has their own fuel storage cells that are private so
the fuel shortage that was occurring in Nigeria at the time of their travel did not impact the
business travelers schedule or routine. The travelers were returned to the airport without

The Result: The client executives had productive meetings while visiting for business
that were uninterrupted, on-time, reliable and professional allowing for the maximum
efficiency of the use of their time.

“Alex and team were timeous, and flexible as the
itinerary changed a lot due to the fuel crisis in
Nigeria last week. I was also impressed that they
were able to keep their vehicles going as they
apparently had private fuel reserves at their
premises. Thanks again for organizing.”

Juniper Networks

“Everything went perfect thanks. Alex and his
crew gave us great hospitality, and operated in
a professional manner.”

Juniper Networks

Premier Risk Solutions provides the best in class global protective, consultative and investigative solutions for organizations to adapt to evolving business objectives and allow for scalability and agility. Through partnerships and strategic alliances, PRS offers support in 65 different countries. Our clients consistently tell us that our solutions are a cut above the competition. We foster a collaborative relationship with clients and vendors leading to the most successful service execution for all parties involved. We strive for each and every service no matter how small or large to have the best customer service experience possible. At PRS you will feel you are working with a partner who has your organizational brand and integrity in-mind.

Case Study: May Day Protest Activities Problem & Solution 2015

Case Study: May Day Protest Activities Problem & Solution 2015

The Client: In this case study example, PRS assisted a Fortune 500 financial services company
during the May Day (International Workers’ Day; May 1st 2015) Protests in Seattle, WA USA.

The Situation: Historically the May Day Protests in Seattle have experienced violence and
rioting that have targeted capitalistic organizations. Many businesses in the downtown
corridor of Seattle have recently decided to shut down operations early in the day on May 1st
each calendar year in order to avoid life safety & security-related issues. Much property
damage has been known to occur during the protests that turn into riots as the day turns into
night. The client themselves have experienced significant property damage in years past.
The client desires optimal business operations during this day that will cause the least amount
of interruption to their customers and employees.

The Solution: PRS deployed 7 agents from its private security services pool at various times
throughout the course of the business day to cover higher-risk locations where protest
activity has been known to occur. PRS also implemented a dedicated project manager to
work alongside the client to monitor all social media activity related to protests and anarchist
activities to keep deployed agents situationally aware of the protestor movement. Further, 2 of
the 7 agents were on foot patrol and dressed to blend into the crowd to appear as
protestors to feedback “real-time” info on observations, activities, threats, etc to provide
enhanced situational awareness.

The Result: The client experienced zero interruption and zero loss. At several locations, the
client closed business operations a few hours early to let employees go early in an effort to
divert them from the main protest activity of the day, but also to help alleviate any
customers from the very same. The main client point of contact was able to focus his
energies and efforts on internal communications while being fed relevant, pertinent
information to their business interests. PRS personnel ensured each employee departed their respective workplace location without harm or harassment.

Premier Risk Solutions provides the best in class global protective, consultative and investigative solutions for organizations to adapt to evolving business objectives and allow for scalability and agility. Through partnerships and strategic alliances, PRS offers support in 65 different countries. Our clients consistently tell us that our solutions are a cut above the competition. We foster a collaborative relationship with clients and vendors leading to the most successful service execution for all parties involved. We strive for each and every service no matter how small or large to have the best customer service experience possible. At PRS you will feel you are working with a partner who has your organizational brand and integrity in-mind.

PRS’s Michael Delamere Featured at #MSSGreatLakes forum

PRS’s Michael Delamere Featured at #MSSGreatLakes forum

Our CEO, Michael Delamere was featured as a panelist at the MSSGreat Lake Forum. In case you missed the panel discussion, we are linking it here in our blog. Along with Delamere, Craig McKim, Drew Neckar and David Schlecte, Mike talked about the skills security professionals need to have, our usage of behavioral sciences in our hiring process and advice on where and how to utilize social media. A big thanks to Phelim Rowe for featuring our company in this event!

Mike talked about how valuable soft skills as security professionals and how key the ability to communicate with the C-Suite is. We use people sciences when we onboard new hires to clearly define what abilities employees have and what tools they need to be effective and engaged. That ultimately leads to a better level of efficiency in organizations.

The one thing we pride ourselves on at PRS is using our platform to educate. When asked about usage of social media as a way to engage clients and do business, Mike articulated our primary goal. We used LinkedIn primarily and as a tool to share information not fear monger, but to disseminate valuable knowledge. We make it a point to provide original content and do it on a regular basis, so our base knows what to expect and when to expect it.

Listen to the rest of in interview in the video to hear about Mike’s view on business acumen and what the current climate is in higher learning institutions regarding private security. Be sure to visit our website for more videos like this one.

Challenges for Sporting Venues: 5 Tips for a Seamless Experience

Challenges for Sporting Venues: 5 Tips for a Seamless Experience

In this week’s video series, we talk about the level of security at stadiums and sporting venues across the country. With the labor shortage and Covid concerns, there in an increased number of challenges for security teams. James DeMeo knows all about those challenges as a sport security consultant and former police officer.

DeMeo says more now than ever, risk assessments are vital in keeping fans safe and making sure venues are doing everything possible to safeguard spaces with the available resources. That’s because one of the most prevalent is issues is a lack of help. DeMeo says with a shortage in security officers to work these large-scale events, it can prove to be quite difficult. He points out an example of a state fair. Communities are (in some areas) having to pull in from multiple agencies because of a lack in law enforcement. That could mean officers from many different departments who may have been trained differently or are not used to working with each other responsible for being prepared in the event of an emergency. There’s also the issue of the long days. Some of these officers are working normal hours and then have hours on a bus to help out with events and they show up tired. This is just one of the “new norms” that security is dealing with.

With all that is going on in today’s world, DeMeo wants to not only educate people on the current climate challenges, (in a non-fear mongering type of way), but also present some tips for spectators. James tells us an educated fan is a safe one, so here are five tips for a seamless fan experience:

1. Plan on arriving at the venue well ahead of the scheduled event/performance start time. This way you’ll be able to find parking, gain entry, purchase some soda & popcorn and get to your seats with plenty of time to spare.

2. Know exactly where you parked your vehicle’s location and its proximity to the venue.

3. Ensure that everyone in your family has a fully charged cell phone in case you are separated as a result of a true emergency situation at or near the venue.

4. Make sure you read over the venue’s code of conduct. Located on your Team’s website, you find out if you will be required to wear a face mask, provide proof of vaccination and/or negative Covid-19 test along with other pandemic and safety requirements.

5. Create a pre-determined meeting spot for you and your family in the event you have to evacuate the venue due to an emergency. Always follow the direction and guidance of first responders, law enforcement working at the venue.

DeMeo also addresses Covid and the challenges that is bringing to sports security. Click on the video for more and be sure to continue to visit our website for more videos just like this one!

Stopping International Crimes with a New App

Stopping International Crimes with a New App

In this week’s video series we spoke to Jim Fuda, the Executive Director for Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound & Vice-Chairman for Crime Stoppers Global Solutions. Fuda spends his days and evenings fighting against a whole host of international crimes including human trafficking. The thing he is most passionate about is a new app (Transnational Crime Initiative App or TCI ) that could curb the crime, encouraging anonymous tips in a way that both incentivizes and is safe in corrupted areas.

Fuda says, human trafficking is the fastest growing and second-largest criminal industry in the world today, and it’s estimated 45 million people are trafficked worldwide. Let that sit for a moment. Fuda gives an example in the video of what that actually looks like, he shares stories in our interview that are emotionally gutting. However, those stories and the statistics he provides are crucial to raising awareness of what happens in real life, not just in horror movies. A knowledge he’s not just affording the average citizen but also security companies that have resources and contacts in the countries the TCI app is targeting.

Specifically speaking to human trafficking….did you know ? Every four seconds, there is a new slave. In an hour, that’s 1,050. In a day, that’s 25,200, and in a year that amounts to 9.2 million. Human trafficking is just one crime the TCI app is focused on. The other areas include:

  1. Human Trafficking – Sex & Labor
  2. Terrorist Activity
  3. Narcotic Trafficking
  4. Illicit Trade
  5. Illegal Arms Dealing
  6. Cyber Crime
  7. Bank Fraud – Money Laundering

The app allows people to make anonymous tips from their phones, and incentivizes with a thousand dollars for said tip, if it leads to an arrest and a charge. It’s done so in a way that people can feel comfortable they won’t be harmed, or their families won’t be harmed if discovered. It is completely anonymous and is in native languages. The TCI app sets its site on the Balkan Route, including Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia, with the hope of expanding to other continents.

Now, let’s talk about how this affects everyone. Tips come into that hotline about illegal arms deals. Those deals could potentially include weapons used in a plotted attack on the U.S.. This app gets the tip and is clued into the deal and a potential terrorist attack could be thwarted. The point Fuda makes is, these crimes are not out of our borders and not our problem. They are very much everyone’s problem.

CALL TO ACTION: Here’s what Fuda needs help with…..get the word out. Please spread this article, his interview, to anyone who will listen. This is especially true if you/your company has contacts in the four countries mentioned. You can visit the Global Solutions website for more information and don’t forget to continue to visit ours for more videos just like this one.

Project Hummingbird: Combining Tactical Knowledge with De-escalation Techniques

Project Hummingbird: Combining Tactical Knowledge with De-escalation Techniques

Allison Sands is someone you want to talk to and be friends with. Yes, it’s the nature of who she is but it’s that kind of soft skill, the ability to talk to people, that she advocates for in security training. All part of the art of de-escalation and part of the training she offers through Project Hummingbird. Allison is a former intelligence analyst, FBI agent and is now in corporate security.

Allison says the reason she created Project Hummingbird is she found people need soft skills 99 percent of the time but most officers are only trained in tactical skills. Watching the protests against police brutality, Allison says the light bulb went off. Officers were put in situations that turned violent and being held accountable for outcomes that could have been different had they received additional training in how to de-escalate.

Despite the perception of the security/law enforcement sector as a whole, Allison says most officers/agents who have been put in violent situations believe this type of training is necessary. The pushback hasn’t been as prevalent as one might think, and Allison says typically it’s from people that have never been in tumultuous situations.

She believes in the altruistic nature of the industry and says the majority of officers/agents just want to come home at night to their families without ever having to draw a weapon. Allison believes life saving skills are absolutely necessary but so is the ability to assess the situation and the necessity of drawing a weapon, instead of coming in hot.

You can learn more about Allison’s training on her website! Be sure to check back with Premier Risk Solutions for more videos just like this one!

School Safety Can’t Wait

School Safety Can’t Wait

As a society, the group of people we want to protect the most is children. This week in our video series we talked to Michele Gay from Safe and Sound Schools. This mom lost her daughter, Joey, in the Sandy Hook shootings. Out of the tragedy, Michele founded her organization to raise awareness about school safety. She spoke to us about not having the luxury to defer security in schools, “We don’t have the privilege, and when it comes to our kids, why would we want to do that?”.

Schools across the country are now back in session and while Covid is a top priority, it shouldn’t be the only one. Michele travels the country talking to schools and she finds about twenty percent have a property emergency response plan. The main culprit in not having a higher number goes back to a mentality I saw far too many times in the news business. The notion that something as horrible as a mass school shooting just can’t happen in safe, quiet towns. Michele says Newtown, Connecticut is the perfect example of why that mentality has to be changed.

Something PRS finds when we conduct risk assessments is also what Michele sees as the number one problem in schools, access control. Often schools are left wide open and have no surveillance systems to see who is coming in and out of the building. She encourages schools as a first step, to reach out to public safety officials and then adopt formal plans using private security professionals.

Michele also talked to us about what it’s like to endure losing a child in such a violent way and what carries her through the day. Click on the video to hear that and be sure to visit our website for more videos like this one.

Safe and Sound Schools is holding its annual National Summit of School Safety from October 26-28, where a lineup of experts will talk about school safety, share best practices and lessons learned. For more information on that, click here.