The title of this blog….how does kindness fit into the security sector? Surprisingly, quite well according to the founders of The Kindness Games! In this week’s editions of our series, “Strong, Safe & True,” we sat down with Tim Wenzel, Lee Oughton, Kelsey Carnell, and Kehkashan Dadwani to talk about the initiative that is bringing joy throughout our industry.
The Kindness Games concept is simple, be kind, and highlight people who are great examples. The goal is to post a video message dedicated to someone who has displayed kindness or influenced a person’s life in a positive way. It’s supposed to be 30 posts in 30 days, but the time frame is loose. This kindness drive is flipping the normal perception of a security professional, i.e. tough, no emotion, no vulnerability. It’s gaining traction and attention, to the point is is now expanding into other industries.
It all started with a post Lee did giving a colleague a shout out. Tim saw the post and thought about how that must have made the person feel and reached out to Lee. They collectively decided to do that every day and brand it. Kelsey and Kehkashan jumped on board and this group has made it happen! Check out the video to hear more and by the way, all are welcome to participate. There is no invitation required, you don’t need to receive a shout-out, just reach out!
We love our people at Premier Risk Solutions. Our entire philosophy of doing business is based around understanding people and then forming and building on relationships. That includes our clients and our employees….so…..we have spent the last couple of weeks introducing you to our people. This week it’s Rich Cinfio! Rich has decades of experience in the security industry and currently manages security for six hospitals, part of a major healthcare system in Ohio. He is also one of PRS’s trusted advisors!
Rich splits his time between Montana and Nevada with his lovely wife and while he has a thick East Coast accent, he is actually originally from California! We talked to Rich about everything from where he likes to spend his days, his ability in the kitchen, his family, and bonded over the hardest type of moments he’s had over the years. To hear what Rich had to say click on the video and remember to continue to visit our website for more videos!
You may know what we do at PRS, but the core of who we are…..well that’s what videos like this are here for! In lieu of our normal video series topics, we are playing the get-to-know us game! This week it’s our resident “people doctor” Al Robinette. Al is a leader in the security industry, with decades of experience in security and loss prevention. What Al also brings to the table is his expertise in people. He is well on his way to getting his PHD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Al uses those skills to help PRS hire people that will be a good fit for our work culture!
It’s fascinating how you can talk to someone several times, you think you have a sense of who they are and then out of nowhere, a curve ball. Al shared part of his life in this series of Q & A that serves as a story of hope and gives a real life happy ending. Now a proud PHD candidate, he once was homeless with nowhere to go. Al got a second chance from his grandmother, got a job and vowed to never let his former life become the future.
Al is a proud Texan who loves his wife, learning and helping people. Click on the video below to hear more about Al, his family and how he can grill just about anything that’s put in front of him! Continue to check back with Premier Risk Solutions for more videos just like this one!
We love our people at Premier Risk Solutions. Our entire philosophy of doing business is based around understanding people and then forming and building on relationships. That includes our clients and our employees….so…..we have spent the last couple of weeks introducing you to our people. This time, it’s Bill Cooper. Bill is one of our expert security consultants, who also has a rich history in law enforcement and corporate security.
Bill has decades of experience, as a former police chief and previously heading up security at T-Mobile. Now Bill shares his knowledge, teaching around the country as well as consulting. While Bill has too much experience to list here, we want to give you an insight into who he is on a personal level.
Bill hails from Chicago, where believe it or not, his family had ties to famous gangster Al Capone. Obviously, Bill chose to go on the other side of the law:) He has two daughters and a wife he adores and talks about constantly. The thing with Bill is, he may be a tough guy to some but to those of us who have the privilege of getting to know him, we get to see the nice guy who has “never had a bad day in his whole life”.
Click on the video to hear more about Bill and be sure to check back every week for more videos!
Natasha joined Premier Risk Solutions in January after a lengthy career as a news reporter/anchor at several stations across the country. Natasha’s last stop was the NBC affiliate in Seattle. Having the experience of watching the worst case scenario play out in daily newscasts, Natasha is elated to now be a part of a company that actively helps people avoid those situations.
One of her favorite life experiences was working at inside the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. She did the college program while attending Penn State. Natasha lived all over the world as a child (military brat) but is happy to finally be settled in Edmonds, Washington. While she takes her job here at PRS seriously, the most important part of her day is being with her daughters. Get to know Natasha in the video below, as her older daughter dishes out the questions:)