Premier Risk Solutions LLC (PRS) has created a new, fresh approach towards the Executive Protection industry. After listening to a group of cross representation of select end-users and subject matter experts, we have listened to the current and future opportunities that they have identified, gaps in the marketplace when considering the qualities of an individual agent(s) on Executive Protection assignments, and what the industry is already doing at a high level. Based on their experience working with Executive Protection providers these are the top five areas that they deem are most important for agents:
High-Level Professionalism & Appearance
Ability to Communicate at All Levels
Experienced Personnel
Flexible and Adaptable
In short summary, these five qualities are required for an ideal candidate for Executive Protection agent positions can be summed up as highly trained, situationally aware, emotionally intelligent individuals who represent and carry themselves (and ergo their employer and client/principal) extremely well. Often the hard skills associated with the job (concealed weapons permit, education, previous training and related) are easy to identify through the talent selection process. It is the soft skills and emotional intelligence which are much more difficult to quantify and clarify with a level of certainty. We believe this is where the greatest opportunity for fitting the client needs rests.
PRS has developed our own Personalized Culture FitTM program that utilizes science of self methodologies creating custom job benchmarks for our staff to integrate into our client’s corporate culture and structure.
Using the PRSMeridian ModelTM, PRS’s senior management team will gain insight into unique needs and culture-specific tailoring to our approach in providing Executive Protection services. We are able to provide our client with a robust concept of how an Executive Protection program deployed can offset and/or prevent organizational strife during challenging times of a minor, moderate, or major incident. Our model details ten (10) categories of consideration and discussion with our client to help articulate the value of an Executive Protection program.
In doing so, PRS and our client obtain a deeper relationship with each other to employ best practices and show true value to the client organization. Utilization of the Personalized Culture FitTM program is our unique approach to talent selection. We can provide validated and reliable empirical data that has been proven EEOC & OFCCPcompliant to ascertain Behaviors, Driving Forces, Acumen Capacity Index, and Competencies for each job benchmark/role identified for the final candidates to be considered for the position. In doing so, we can provide an additional level of comfort and definitiveness to our clients that the final candidate(s) selected for the role(s) will be a great match. The longer-term implications for this include reduced turnover, higher job satisfaction, engaged employees, and a more satisfied client when the proper fit is established and maintained. Bottom line, relationships matter, and knowing our client’s unique needs for consistency and reliability is of utmost importance to PRS and the next evolution in Executive Protection.
Trusted Global Private Security Services
Serving US: Seattle, Bellevue, San Francisco, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Portland, Vancouver WA, Honolulu, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Washington DC, New York City, Boston
Serving International: Vancouver Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea
In terms of survival, nature gave us a great gift: our intuition or “gut instinct”. We all can relate to having that innate feeling that something was not quite right. Whether it was the hair on the back of our neck standing on end or that funny feeling in the pit of our stomach, we felt that danger was close-by. Our instinct and senses told us so. People who find themselves in this situation know they only have four options at their disposal depending on the circumstances – freeze (to do nothing), run, hide, or fight. From my perspective, it is the first that causes the greatest risk, yet this is what happens much of the time.
Denial and Rationalization
Author John Leach shares, “Many witnesses attest that victims of a disaster often perish despite reasonable possibilities for escaping because their behavior during the initial moments of the accident was inappropriate to the situation. Frequently witnesses report victims ‘freezing’ in the face of danger.” So, why do people often fail to react to threats by foregoing their intuition? The answer to this question can be found in nature’s second gift; one that often overpowers intuition: Denial! Denial can be an all-powerful force often overriding intuition. Denial can lead us to believe we are safe when we are not. To complicate things more, denial has a strong ally, and it’s called rationalization. Denial provides the seeds for incorrectly and unsafely assessing the situation one finds themselves in and rationalization offers the fertilizer and water for a potentially hazardous outcome.
There are many reasons why rationalization occurs, and denial is one of them. We simply do not want to believe that someone will carry out their implied or specific threats. We can become overwhelmed with this horrible thought and simply do not want to acknowledge the dangers or deal with them. Rationalization comes in many forms especially in response to veiled threats. Excuses are made to explain away the behavior attributed to the individual; comments such as “They were only joking” and “They don’t mean it” serve as prime examples of rationalization and denial at work. Another concern is the ignoring of threats based on one’s personal assessment or belief when they have no training or experience to base this on.
Another form of rationalization is ego and the feeling of invincibility. While I believe in the concept of never living in fear, we need to avoid a cavalier approach that ignores danger signs and the credible advice of security professionals.
Executive Protection and the CEO
While the need for protection can transcend all levels of an organization dependent on the nature of the threat, the perceived figure head or “face of the organization” is often targeted due to their high-profile position. In politics, it’s government leaders who hold office, as evidenced by the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (Louisiana) and others during a congressional baseball practice in Alexandra, Virginia. In the private sector, it can be the CEO. The CEO is the face of the organization and can substantially contribute to the public’s perception of the company’s brand image. It is this position that often garners threats and acts of aggression from inside and outside the organization. These threats can also include the CEO’s family and home. The CEO must always be aware they may not be the only one at risk. Often, risk extends to the organization the CEO is responsible for.
While there is no doubt a CEO is a special individual who has accomplished incredible success, this does not mean they are immune to denial and rationalization. Typical reactions from CEOs considering executive protection can include:
Wanting to avoid feeling or appearing special or above others.
The notion that the company can survive without them.
Appearing to be self-centered or selfish.
“Wasting” organizational funds.
Spreading fear within and outside the organization as the result of having executive protection.
The feeling that threats are dictating their professional and personal lifestyle.
Minimizing the seriousness of the threat.
These reactions are justified; but, we know the public, media, government regulators and others do a very good job of taking a catastrophic event and working backwards to determine where the weak link lays; that point during the event’s early developmental stage where a decision was made that dictated a course of action or, in some cases, no response. If the threat and response strategy was incorrectly minimized, then this is where blame and subsequent consequences will be focused.
One benchmark for assessing the validity of the aforementioned reactions is answering one simple question: Should an attack occur, upon hindsight, what could have been done differently? This is where denial and rationalization most often rears its ugly head and sets in motion future heartache and regret. When there is the opportunity to introduce a mitigation strategy that balances overreaction with under-reaction while neutralizing the threat, then denial and rationalization is eliminated and safety enhanced.
Executive Protection: Is it for you?
When considering executive protection for a CEO, their family or other organizational leaders, PRS recommends focusing on the following:
Conduct a risk assessment – office, residence, transportation, travel and frequented off-site locations.
Stress the importance of hiring EP professionals who are a match for the client. This can be more complicated than it seems. PRS uniquely assesses potential candidates to ensure a high level of protection and service. This ensures what PRS refers to as a personalized culture fit – adapting as close as possible to the needs of the client.
The well-being and safety of the client and their family cannot be overstated. Simply stated, threats produce stress. EP eliminates this at work and home.
Discuss with the prospective client the business continuity benefits EP provides.
EP eliminates distractions caused by the threat. It is important to avoid dismissing organizational distraction. Even though the threat may be directed at the CEO or organization in general, staff will probably be aware of the situation hampering their focus on daily business.
The vendor needs to avoid dictating to the client; it’s a partnership that suits the needs of the CEO. It is important to create for the CEO and their family a level of comfort and safety without disrupting their life style.
Benefits of Executive Protection
The benefits of EP are extensive and need to be considered when conducting a cost-benefit analysis: Benefits include:
Organization and individual preparedness. Preparing for a threat is vital for every organization.
EP is an excellent business continuity strategy. The organization, staff, customers, business partners and families all rely on the continuity of the organization, which is provided by the CEO.
EP serves as an “insurance plan”, thus providing comfort for the client, their business associates and, most importantly, family. Threats and/or attack disrupts family life. The feeling of being unsafe and vulnerable will linger and prove to be unproductive.
Protects public persona – in control, measured and functional. Brand image is protected from the public’s viewpoint.
IRS benefit – written off as part of business continuity planning and risk mitigation.
Keeps all involved “safe, comforted and focused”.
CEO recognizes the adverse effect on the company and their family should their capabilities be hindered to some degree as the result of an attack or significant threat and is prepared to respond.
Losing the CEO is a significant risk to the organization.
The CEO is the “face” and “life-blood” of the organization – credibility and future direction (vital if publicly traded).
Should an attack occur, others who are in the way – administrative assistant, etc. – are put in harm’s way. EP provides protection for all in the immediate work area.
EP enhances the ability of the CEO and executive team to exercise “a duty of care”.
Executive protection and weighing the need for it can be a complicated endeavor. PRS is prepared to assess your situation, offer guidance based on a foundation of reasonableness and objectivity, and partner with critical stakeholders to create a safe and productive future. Contact the PRS team for further information.
Trusted Global Private Security Services
Serving US: Seattle, Bellevue, San Francisco, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Portland, Vancouver WA, Honolulu, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Washington DC, New York City, Boston
Serving International: Vancouver Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea
With the start of the PyeongChang 2018 XXIII Winter Olympics February 9 – 25th we are right around the corner for this large-scale event putting South Korea in the international spotlight. Games will be held at multiple venues from the Alpensia Sliding Center, Jeongseon Alpine Center, Gangneung Ice Arena, Kwangdong Hockey Center to the Yongpyong Alpine Center. Numerous sponsors of the games from multi-national corporations will be participating sending staff from the US to South Korea to be on-the-ground for the better part of the games.
Here are some items for consideration in your planning for travel to the region:
North Korea and its propensity for sporadic, unusual behavior are of the most serious concern for these games from a safety & security posture. What North Korea will do is unknown but they have proven themselves in their desire to be a disruptor on a large scale.
With the location of the games largely on the eastern side of the peninsula, bear in mind via automobile this is a standard 4-hour drive one-way from Seoul/Incheon airport. If there is inclement weather, it could easily be much longer. Alternatively, South Korea has built a high-speed rail as an option as well, which initial indications it will be about a 3.5-hour trip if this route is chosen instead although it is new and has yet to really be tested.
A number of the multi-national corporations are planning on housing their traveling staff overnight in Seoul for up to 2 nights prior to making the travel to the eastern peninsula. With the long-haul flight and time difference doing so allows the traveler to refresh before the additional half-day+ trip ahead of them.
Those who will seek a luxury SUV please understand that these are in short supply and high demand. South Korea doesn’t tend to import lots of vehicles, but Range Rovers and Cadillac Escalade’s are an available option, although again in limited supply.
English fluency of dedicated drivers is rudimentary. They can manage required tasks ok, but one can’t really have an in-depth conversation with them. The Bilingual Executive Protection Agent (Close Protection Officer or CPO) is better, although these personnel too – like the luxury SUVs – are in short supply.
Any CPO agent your team may desire to accompany your principal to the games will additionally need a ticket purchased for their entrance to the games as well, just like any other attendee.
For any engagement related to the games, PRS’s vendor partner in-country does require a 30% deposit up-front which is non-refundable. We will need to work hard to secure proper resources so is best to start this planning early while the best personnel are still available.
As many of our clients are discovering, offices and a host of other workplaces in the Province of Ontario, Canada are presenting them with new legal obligations to protect their employees from Workplace Violence and Harassment. The Ontario Ministry of Labour Health and Safety inspectors enforce the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This Act is to facilitate a strong Internal Responsibility System (IRS) in your workplace.
Most immediately, companies with operations in Ontario, Canada need to be aware of these requirements:
An employer MUST assess the risk of workplace violence and present a full plan to the joint health and safety committee or to a health and safety representative [OHSA s. 32.0.3]
The risk must be reassessed as often as is necessary to protect workers from potential workplace violence [OHSA s. 32.0.3(4)]
The law requires that all of your workplaces be assessed, including offices, shops, site, and even any mobile staff (bus drivers, truck drivers, delivery personnel, outside sales, etc.)
The process is very detailed and employers must consider:
The Nature of the Workplace
The Type of Work
Conditions of work
Apart from a full physical security review of corporate facilities and work spaces, employers are encouraged to engage staff at all levels within the organization, such as front-line staff, supervisors, union officials and more. Depending on the outcome of initial assessments, further special assessments and documentation may be required under this legislation. The Act identifies certain work and workplaces as being associated with “higher risk of violence: such as:
Handling cash
Transporting People and Goods
Working Late Nights
Public or Community Contact
Isolated Workplaces
Workplaces Located in Areas Found to Have High Crime Rates
These workplace violence prevention assessments and programs are obviously sensitive in nature and could expose your company to legal risks, if performed by in-house staff. These programs also require a very seasoned security professional that can work in conjunction with your local Health and Safety staff and committee to collaborate effectively.
Premier Risk Solutions, LLC has been active in assisting our clients to comply with the provisions of the Ontario Workplace Violence and Harassment law. PRS is uniquely qualified to assist these clients as I personally understand the United States practices firms have in place currently. As I previously lived in Canada and obtained Canadian citizenship (dual national) while living there,
I understand the inclusive process that should be used to engage local staff. As we all know, many times a US approach to Canadian operations is not always best and we need to be sensitive to that fact. Just ask US companies that moved into Canada, only to close within 12 months because of a poor understanding of the market and the culture of our northern neighbors.
Several years ago, I had the pleasure of working with a small team of Canadian professionals to assess an entire provincial worker’s compensation system with numerous far-flung offices and a variety of work spaces across the vast province. At times these offices and their staff faced significant threats of violence, and at times physical assault due to denied claims. I recall assessing one office when a call was received and their client stated he was on his way with a firearm. Fortunately, we could get the office into lock-down and the local police department was only one block away. This irate man did come to the worker’s compensation office (minus any firearm), and was promptly arrested for these uttered threats.
If you have operations in the Province of Ontario, please contact me to see how PRS can assist you with these important legal requirements.
Trusted Global Private Security Services
Serving US: Seattle, Bellevue, San Francisco, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Portland, Vancouver WA, Honolulu, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Washington DC, New York City, Boston
Serving International: Vancouver Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea
Last week I interviewed with FOX5 in Las Vegas and was asked about changes in security on the Vegas Strip. The interview lasted quite a bit longer, but for the segment, they took a few soundbites and the story came out well. My colleague, Evan Levitt, advised that since 9/11, many of the casinos have already been doing quite a bit behind the scenes in working with The Fusion Center and Law Enforcement to identify and interview individuals who may cause concern. Another local colleague, Rich Diaz, has eight bomb dogs currently covering several of the major casinos and event centers. My comments about the first responders and LV Metro PD were left out of the interview, but I will say again that their response on that tragic day was amazing. The Las Vegas community responded quickly and maintains a great support even a few weeks later. I’ll stand by my statement that the Strip is a very safe place to be. Check out the interview here: