Convention center event security: Do you have a plan?

Do you have an effective convention center event security plan? Unfortunately, organizations put themselves at risk when the answer to that question is “no.” Corporate marketing teams provide a bevy of convention center events each year that organizations must consider their risk profile for.  From “Gold Club” events that allow top tier performers to relax in a highly desirable destination setting, to “All-Hands” events that bring all staff members of an organization together (along with perhaps key vendors and customers), the environment of such activities held off-site from the corporate offices does bring a different risk profile to attendees and the organization.  Threats and vulnerabilities will change when venues change.

Organizations have a Duty of Care for their staff while they are on business travel.  In as much the venues where such convention center events are held by an organization’s marketing and sales teams are viewed as an extension of the workplace and much have proper safety and security in place for it as well.

ASIS International 2016 Conference Attendance

ASIS 2016

The PRS Senior Leadership team will be in attendance and also presenting during the 2016 ASIS International 62nd Annual Seminar & Exhibits in Orlando, FL from September 11-15, 2016.  We look forward to reconnecting with clients, colleagues and friends and making some new ones along the way!  Be sure to catch our presentation on FSMA Legislation Impact on the Food Supply on Monday September 12th from 10am-11am at Poster Sessions Booth 147 on the Exhibit Hall Floor.  Please be sure to reach out to schedule a time to meet and connect!

PRS Radio – Show #1 – MOBOTIX Security Video Systems – Audio Capabilities

Time: 13:38 ~

In this installment of PRS Radio, Joe Zaccaria interviews Steven Rosenbloom of MOBOTIX. The show centered around a couple of product features that clients might find very useful. Namely, two-way audio with video and decibel level monitoring.

There is a brief discussion regarding movement detection vs. motion detection. The program uncovers the available of free robust video management software licensing, along with free upgrades.

Hackers Could Secretly Tap Into Corporate Meetings

Lots of companies — and even the White House — use a conference calling system that could possibly be tapped by hackers, according to new research.

On Thursday, cybersecurity experts at SEC Consult revealed a secret doorway that’s built into a popular conference calling product built by a company called AMX.

AMX makes tablet panels used to control conference calls for businesses, government agencies, and universities.
The company hard-coded backdoor access into its system. AMX created a “secret account” with a permanent username and password, which means a hacker who already sneaked into a computer network could tap into actual meetings if the hacker knew the backdoor access code.

It’s a glaring security hole.

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The 10 Most Dangerous Cities in America

The number of violent crimes reported in the U.S. fell by more than 4% last year, compared with the year before, and it’s down almost 15% in the past 10 years, according to the FBI.

Despite the nation’s improving crime rates, and an estimated 30 million surveillance cameras now deployed nationwide, many large U.S. cities are still considered dangerous. Nationwide, 368 violent crimes were reported for every 100,000 people in 2013. Such crimes include murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. In America’s 10 most dangerous cities, there were more than 1,300 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed violent crime rates among the nation’s cities with populations of 100,000 or more. Based on violent crime data published by the FBI’s 2013 Uniform Crime Report, these are America’s most dangerous cities.

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