Workplace violence prevention: when is a threat an actual risk?

PRS President Michael Delamere and Managing Director Joe Zaccaria had the pleasure of recently participating in a joint in-depth discussion with Dr Michael Corcoran of The WorkThreat Group,  industry expert in behavioral psychology, of whom PRS senior management has had a long-standing partnership with over the past approximate decade.

This video will discuss the problem and provide recommendations for implementation and future consideration for your organization as well as provide a couple of real-life case study examples of how all aspects of private security come into confluence as related to this topic.  Gain a deeper understanding of Workplace Violence Prevention and all components (investigations, protection, crisis management, etc) that go into it!  Please do communicate any questions you or your organization may be struggling with in relation to this topic.

Security transformation & the competitive advantage – what phase is your enterprise in?

Often times in in our consulting practice we hear from our clients and prospective clients that they are missing a policy or procedure, gates or guns, cameras or access control components that they desire to have in place.  This may all be very well appropriate perhaps for the organization, however, what often times occurs is a disconnect with the enterprise security risk management plan.  All organizations regardless of their size need to have a plan in place.  Some will be required to be more robust than others.  Some don’t have one & know they need one and, although rare, some don’t realize a need for one at all, whether it be out of ignorance or negligence.


At PRS we truly believe that each enterprise must have a custom approach to suit their individual business & organizational needs.  We do not wish to push a size 12 shoe across the board to any or all of our good clients or prospective clients.  Rather, the approach that we take through our pre-assessment phase is to learn details through a security maturity evaluation.  Listen to our Senior Advisor & Chief Security Officer – Rich Mason – in this video highlighting the issues and approach we take towards providing our solution to Enterprise Security Risk Management.  Learn more about this extremely important and complex issue!  Are you ready for a Security Transformation?

Trusted Global Private Security Services

Serving US: Seattle, Bellevue, San Francisco, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Portland, Vancouver WA, Honolulu, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Washington DC, New York City, Boston

Serving International: Vancouver Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ireland, United Kingdom, France,       Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea

PRS Radio Show #12 – Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

Time: 15:25

Mark Kominek, Senior Consultant and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Expert for PRS and former FBI Agent discusses  the current state of technical espionage devices being used against corporate America and what can be done to guard the C-Suite at the office and at home.

If your organization would like to confidentially discuss any potential concerns you may have, please email us at  or call us at [company-phone id=1].

**We recommend you make such calls from outside the area of concern. Do not use any mobile or hard-wired telephony or other equipment you feel may be compromised.

PRS Radio – Show #11 – Intelligence Analysis

Time: 14:33

Scott Schlimmer, Senior Consultant for PRS and former CIA Officer introduces an exciting new intelligence analysis course designed for security professionals. Bringing global events of importance to the C-Suite is often very difficult in our 24/7/365 new cycles. The course is designed to funnel global events through a filter, in order to turn the information into actionable intelligence that will command the attention of corporate executives.

Email PRS with your interest in this training: Let us know your organization’s name, preferred US training city (or if you prefer web-based training), and the number of people you have interested in attending the program.

PRS will then prepare a nationwide training schedule for the course, as well as webinar schedules in the near future.

PRS Radio – Show #10 – Risk Assessment ~ the Goals, Importance, and Methodology of Assessing Risk

Time: 44 Minutes ~

The risk assessment process can be convoluted and tricky if you’re unprepared for all aspects of a thorough process.

This session will highlight the aspects of a thorough risk assessment and give a couple of real-world examples and one formal case study to help bring the process to light.

Novices will learn a great deal and experienced operators will gain a refresher on this very important subject matter.

Trusted Global Private Security Services

Serving US: Seattle, Bellevue, San Francisco, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Portland, Vancouver WA, Honolulu, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Washington DC, New York City, Boston

Serving International: Vancouver Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ireland, United Kingdom, France,       Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea