What are executive security services in Seattle?

Executive opening car door

Are you trying to decide whether executive security services are necessary for you or another associate of your Seattle business? In order to make the best possible decision, it’s important to understand what this service entails. Many private security service companies offer some sort of close protection. This is often most appropriate for executives or other VIPs who require additional protection. Following are some of the key factors of this service.

Elevated Risk

Executive security services often become necessary when a person is at elevated risk. This may be due to a change in company status, wealth, location or even associations with others. 

More Discretion 

In most cases where executive security services are needed, the individual requires the ability to maintain more discretion. This is particularly important for high-profile political or corporate meetings, events or trips. A common goal is to ensure the media and other potential spectators aren’t aware of where a person is going or why they’ll be there.

Risk Mitigation

The primary benefit of executive protection is risk mitigation. Highly trained and experienced professionals work hard to ensure the safety of their clients by limiting the number of risk factors and taking the appropriate precautions. They may also coordinate with law enforcement for additional support.

Need Executive Security Services in Seattle?

Now that you’ve been introduced to this type of protection, discuss your specific needs with a professional. Premier Risk Solutions is here to help. Our specialists are highly trained, experienced, and capable of providing a wide variety of services. In addition to executive security, we regularly assist clients with digital forensicssecurity consultingprivate investigation, and business integrity assessment. You can trust our team to have the knowledge and skills to address all your security needs. Contact us with questions or to schedule a consultation.

Executive Security Services in Seattle

Serving the Seattle area and providing services all over the world through strong vendor partner relationships

Helpful Security Consulting Services in Seattle

Security Camera

Is your company designing a new security program or attempting to retrofit an existing system to a new facility in Seattle? Seeking security consulting services may be the best course of action. A private security service company will be able to help achieve all your goals, no matter how big or complicated. They can also supplement your in-house team in many ways. Consider some of the most common ways consulting services can help.

Site Selection

Security consulting services include site selection assistance for expanding or transitioning companies. To ensure the success of your corporate security program right out of the gate, it’s important to include the security department in the planning process.

Transitional Risk Assessment

As your company changes and/or expands, security consulting services can perform a transitional risk assessment. Unlike standard risk assessments, this process will examine existing operations and space utilization in the new environment as well.

Security Design & Engineering

You can also count on security consulting services to design and engineer a new system based on your existing corporate standards and transitional risk assessment. Working with your team, a professional will ensure you have a clear, client advocate-centered program moving forward.

Need Security Consulting Services in Seattle?

Now that you’re familiar with some of the most common options, it’s time to discuss your specific needs with a professional. Trust the experts at Premier Risk Solutions to help you define or refine your security project. Our highly trained and experienced team is capable of providing a wide variety of services, including executive protectiondigital forensicsprivate investigation, and business integrity assessment. As industry leaders, we have the knowledge and skills to address all your security needs. Contact us with questions or to schedule a consultation today.

Security Consulting Services in Seattle

Serving the Seattle area and providing services all over the world through strong vendor partner relationships.

Finding Private Security Services in Seattle: A Few Tips

Security Guard

Need help finding private security services for yourself or your business in Seattle? Whatever your needs, from security consulting to digital forensics, it’s important to find professionals you can rely on. With so many companies eager to gain your business, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Locating a high-quality security company doesn’t have to be difficult. Keep the following tips in mind as you begin your search.

Ask Others for Advice

Always start your search for private security services by discussing your needs with others. Company owners and managers in your industry who have needed similar services are your best guides. 

Research the Options

One or two recommendations provide a good starting point, but go a little further. Research the referrals you received, then branch out as needed. Pay close attention to company ratings and employee experience. 

Request References

Depending on the type of private security services you need, you may be able to request a list of references. Speaking with previous clients is a great way to learn more about a company. Alternatively, you can often find reviews and testimonials online.

Need Help Finding Private Security Services in Seattle?

Finding the help you need has never been easier. Start and end your search by calling Premier Risk Solutions. Our highly trained and experienced team is capable of providing a wide variety of services, including executive protectionprivate investigation, and business integrity assessment. Whatever your unique needs, we have the knowledge and skills to address them. Contact us with questions or to schedule an appointment to discuss your security needs with a professional.  

Tips for Finding Private Security Services in Seattle 

Serving the Seattle area and providing services all over the world through strong vendor partner relationships

Top 11 Event Safety Practices for Reopening

Concert hall

As the United States continues to plan for its reopening post the COVID-19 pandemic crisis of early 2020, events of all scales and sizes from the small gathering of a handful of people to larger stadium-sized gatherings of thousands of people are a big part of the US economy.  Data sourced from the Events Industry Council in their 2016 US economic significance study indicated there were 5.9m jobs with $249b of labor income generated from them, $104b of taxes at all levels, and $446b towards US gross domestic product.  Since the 2020 study is not yet available, 2016 was the most recent to review these statistics.

However, it has been noted in the infographic presented within this article that there has been an historical upward trend with each study conducted since 2009 in direct spending within the events industry in the U.S.  The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority also sponsored and published their own economic study which further documents this statement with information dating from 2018 (study conducted in 2019).  With the significance of the events industry playing their role in the US economy (federal, state and municipal), it is certainly in the best interests of all for the events industry to reopen at soon as it is safe to do so.  This article is written in a way to attempt to speak to gatherings of all sizes as far as recommended practices for workers and companies alike to consider undertaking for their own sponsored event or event to be worked.

One unanticipated side effect of the pandemic and shelter-in-place orders has been a significant decrease in crime. Law enforcement leaders throughout the country report crime rates well below the norm. Thankfully, active-shooter events have significantly declined during the pandemic as well. While unconfirmed statistics show over 120 “mass-shootings” (defined as a shooting resulting in multiple victims) in 2020 to-date, as little as one event can be termed as an “active-shooter” (Milwaukee). While further analysis is needed, it is reasonable to conclude this downward trend has its roots in the temporary elimination of mass-gathering events and locations such as shopping centers, conferences, concerts and so forth.

Government leaders have recently begun to ease shelter-in-place orders. Shopping centers and other locations and events that host large crowds will eventually follow suit. There are three additional dynamics at play they should cause concern for safety: The first is the economy. The national unemployment rate has skyrocketed amid uncertain economic times for the foreseeable future. Employment loss, the associated economic pressures and feeling of hopelessness can cause some to resort to violence. Secondly, society in-general has been under prolonged stress, which adds another layer of frustration. Lastly, the mass wearing of masks in public is now normalized and will continue to be until the pandemic subsides. Until recently, the wearing of masks in public, unless there was an obvious medical condition, when celebrating Halloween or for religious purposes, communicated a vastly different message than today. Before pandemic, an individual entering a convenience store or mall on a Friday night while wearing a mask may have been viewed as suspicious activity resulting in a call to police. Today, the vast majority of people in public are wearing masks.

While uncertain times remain ahead, there are a few commonsense predictions that can be made: There will be an escalation in crime post pandemic, including active-threat events. Masks, and in most cases justifiably so, will continue to be worn by large groups of people attending public and private events. Societal stress, mass lay-offs, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness will cause some people to commit acts of violence. Active-shooter/threat situations evolve quickly and survival relies heavily on reaction time based on initial detection. It is reasonable to conclude some people may feel empowered to commit such hideous acts because they can wear a mask in public and perhaps escape unidentified. Many active-threats occur in the workplace. Depending on the physical characteristics of the disgruntled employee (or ex), it may become easier for them to slip in undetected by wearing a mask.

There is no guarantee that can be made for an illness-free and safe event but taking precautions and having security mitigation strategies in places such as the examples provided below help towards maximizing attendee and staff safety.

2016 Events Economic Impact Infographic

Top 11 Event Safety Practices to Undertake (in no specific order)

  1.  Only reopen when it is legally and reasonably safe to do so.  Distinct and careful decision making is necessary with a team of professionals consisting of Human Resources, Legal, Operations, Finance and Medical (likely via a contracted resource/partner).  What works for one entity may not work for another.  While it’s okay to benchmark against what other like-entities are doing, be very cautious of this as what is good for “John” may not fit and be good for “Suzy”. Every entity is unique in their own way so the approach and decision needs to reflect this as well.
  2. Attendee Education.  New signage, social media messaging, ticket purchasing regulations update, website information, mobile app information, push notifications, etc.  Whatever means an entity utilizes to market their messages and attract attendees to the event must show consistent information amongst the channels and in a manner which timely.  Have a statement included on your attendee policy that allows for revocation and reimbursement of attendee fee (in partial or full) for not adhering to the new policies in place.
  3. Contact Tracing.  The event sponsors will need to ensure a method of contact tracing is in place.  For when an illness occurs it will be essential to health officials to know this information in a timely fashion.  If the event sponsor cannot produce it, anticipate some action to be taken against them for failure to negligence (likely civil action) by the local authorities.
  4. Worker Hygiene.  Identify a worker who will act as the coordinator of any and all infection control mitigation incidents or occurrence.  This worker should be well versed in public health guidelines, safety measures, new health plans, hazards, and be working closely with the event production/management team as well as the venue staff on all health concerns.  Ensure proper physical distancing, hand washing, cough & sneeze etiquette are in place.  Provide access to gloves, face coverings and where appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).  Enact Temperature Screening (more info below on this).
  5. Practices for Workers when they are Sick.  If a worker becomes sick during the course of the day or their shift, separate that person as soon as possible from others.  Anticipate a budget for medical purposes be in-place for the event for not only proper staffing of the event but also potential transportation of sick parties, ancillary equipment, etc.  Have a policy in place that workers cannot return to work until either they isolated for 14 days since their first symptoms manifested themselves or documented medical authorization to do so.
  6. Sanitize the Venue.  Ensure enhanced cleanings are taking place of public areas (lobbies, halls, dining areas for example) and restrooms.  The disinfecting technique employed for the high-touch areas must be frequent and thorough.  Place automatic (no touch) hand-sanitizer stations in multiple locations throughout the event space.
  7. Space Requirements.  The event as you knew it pre-COVID19 very likely may require additional space allocation needs post-COVID19 to meet physical distancing requirements.  Where a 6 foot distance for physical distancing is needed, up to 36 square feet per small group will be needed.  For areas where there has been a queue in the past, room for people to maneuver around the now more expansive setting will be needed also.  Placing markings of some variety to indicate visually to people approaching the area of where to stand in the queue will aid in the process.
  8. Temperature Screenings.  Enacting a method of quick but effective & efficient temperature sensing along with trained personnel will greatly help identify potential illness.  In tandem with a published policy on what an attendee and/or worker can expect once they have been identified for potential illness will allow this proactive measure to perhaps curb a worse issue that may have developed had this measure not been enacted.
  9. Bag checks.  Not every event may require or need this as a service or item of inclusion, however, for the larger gatherings that will having a known, published policy of only small clear bags being allowed inside the venue will allow for maximum efficiency and safety at security check points of prohibited items.
  10. Legal Issues.  Any variety of legal issues may arise on a pre-COVID19 event let alone post COVID19 reopening during a pandemic.  Be sure to include legal in all policy and new practice decisions being made.  Consul will understand your unique situation best as they will (or should) be most intimate with your particular situation.  The Duty of Care for workers and attendees and steps taken by responding parties on-site during an incident must have careful documentation on the facts (who, what, where, when, how) on how the incident transpired and conclusions reached for resolution.
  11. Now more than ever, consideration should strongly be given to having a security presence that has the capability to respond and mitigate a dangerous and violent intent. There are many options when deciding a security posture. We at PRS are prepared to provide guidance on best practices and offer solutions that are discreet and comforting so your customers have a safe and satisfying experience.

There are of course much more detail and thought that needs to go into each of the elements to ensure a successful event is had however practicing each of these will help minimize your risk.  The involvement in-depth as well as the quantity of professional security personnel to be involved in an event for monitoring and enforcement of new policies and regulations will be paramount towards the goals of a successful event.  Ensure you are working with a partner who has collaboration and understanding of your needs top of mind.

Executives in concert hall
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Questions to Ask About Private Security Services in Seattle

Security Camera

Are you looking for reliable private security services for your business in Seattle? Whether you require ongoing assistance for your company or services for a single event, it’s important to find a company you can rely on to meet your unique needs. While there are many options out there, not every security company is capable of keeping your employees, clients, and property safe. Ensure you receive the help you need by asking the following questions.

How many years of experience does your company have?

One important question to ask is the number of years the company has been in business. Companies with extensive experience in the industry are often more qualified because they’ve worked with many different types and sizes of companies.

What services does your company offer?

There are many different types of private security services available, including on-site security and fire watch. Verify early that the company you’re considering can actually accommodate you. Discuss your specific needs upfront to give potential contractors all the information they require.

How are your security guards trained?

It’s also important to know about a company’s training methods. Always inquire about their procedures. If conducted in-house, ask who leads the training, how long it takes, what’s required to pass and whether officers must receive ongoing instruction.

Need Private Security Services in Seattle?

If you need reliable private security services in Seattle, it’s time to discuss the specifics with a professional. Contact Premier Risk Solutions with questions or to schedule a consultation today. Our highly trained team has served the greater Seattle area for many years and always provides expert advice and quality results. With years of experience in the industry, you can trust our specialists to have the knowledge and skills necessary to meet all your private security needs.

Trusted Private Security Services in Seattle

Serving Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Renton, Marysville, Redmond, Issaquah, Granite Falls, Lake Stevens, Mukilteo, Lynnwood, Edmonds, Mountlake Terrace, Shoreline, Bothell, Duvall, Kirkland, Burien, Tacoma, Federal Way, Auburn, Kent, Maple Valley & Monroe