Case Study: May Day Protest Activities Problem & Solution 2015

Nov 3, 2021 | Case Study, Crime, Executive Protection, Intelligence, Risk Management, Security for Employees | 293 comments

May Day Protest Activities 2015

The Client: In this case study example, PRS assisted a Fortune 500 financial services company
during the May Day (International Workers’ Day; May 1st 2015) Protests in Seattle, WA USA.

The Situation: Historically the May Day Protests in Seattle have experienced violence and
rioting that have targeted capitalistic organizations. Many businesses in the downtown
corridor of Seattle have recently decided to shut down operations early in the day on May 1st
each calendar year in order to avoid life safety & security-related issues. Much property
damage has been known to occur during the protests that turn into riots as the day turns into
night. The client themselves have experienced significant property damage in years past.
The client desires optimal business operations during this day that will cause the least amount
of interruption to their customers and employees.

The Solution: PRS deployed 7 agents from its private security services pool at various times
throughout the course of the business day to cover higher-risk locations where protest
activity has been known to occur. PRS also implemented a dedicated project manager to
work alongside the client to monitor all social media activity related to protests and anarchist
activities to keep deployed agents situationally aware of the protestor movement. Further, 2 of
the 7 agents were on foot patrol and dressed to blend into the crowd to appear as
protestors to feedback “real-time” info on observations, activities, threats, etc to provide
enhanced situational awareness.

The Result: The client experienced zero interruption and zero loss. At several locations, the
client closed business operations a few hours early to let employees go early in an effort to
divert them from the main protest activity of the day, but also to help alleviate any
customers from the very same. The main client point of contact was able to focus his
energies and efforts on internal communications while being fed relevant, pertinent
information to their business interests. PRS personnel ensured each employee departed their respective workplace location without harm or harassment.

Premier Risk Solutions provides the best in class global protective, consultative and investigative solutions for organizations to adapt to evolving business objectives and allow for scalability and agility. Through partnerships and strategic alliances, PRS offers support in 65 different countries. Our clients consistently tell us that our solutions are a cut above the competition. We foster a collaborative relationship with clients and vendors leading to the most successful service execution for all parties involved. We strive for each and every service no matter how small or large to have the best customer service experience possible. At PRS you will feel you are working with a partner who has your organizational brand and integrity in-mind.

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