Executive Protection: An International Assignment Case Study

Nov 3, 2021 | Case Study, Executive Protection, Risk Management, Security for Employees | 312 comments

International Executive Protection

The Client: In this executive protection case study example, PRS assisted a Fortune 500 high tech company based in the USA during business travel to Lagos, Nigeria during the fuel crisis in Western Africa.

The Situation: The client had 2 of their senior executives flying into Lagos, Nigeria in late May
2015 to attend several high-level business meetings around town in various locations and at
various times throughout a 3-day period. The travelers were new to the region and unfamiliar
with the surroundings and risks day-to-day in such logistics moving in & around the city.

The Solution: The local PRS private security services partner in Nigeria has vast resources
and experience operating day-to-day in country. PRS deployed 1 security driver and 1 close
protection officer (armed, concealed, plain-clothes) to escort the business travelers for the
duration of their stay. The PRS EP team put together a travel management plan in advance
of the travelers’ arrivals and shared the plan with them via email to best prepare &
familiarize the travelers with the EP team as well as rough expectations. The EP team met
the travelers outside baggage claim at the airport, greeting them with a hand-held sign that
was somewhat innocuous in name (actual names of individuals nor the company name were
not utilized), and escorted them to their hotel and other meetings around town for the
duration of their stay. The PRS partner has their own fuel storage cells that are private so
the fuel shortage that was occurring in Nigeria at the time of their travel did not impact the
business travelers schedule or routine. The travelers were returned to the airport without

The Result: The client executives had productive meetings while visiting for business
that were uninterrupted, on-time, reliable and professional allowing for the maximum
efficiency of the use of their time.

“Alex and team were timeous, and flexible as the
itinerary changed a lot due to the fuel crisis in
Nigeria last week. I was also impressed that they
were able to keep their vehicles going as they
apparently had private fuel reserves at their
premises. Thanks again for organizing.”

Juniper Networks

“Everything went perfect thanks. Alex and his
crew gave us great hospitality, and operated in
a professional manner.”

Juniper Networks

Premier Risk Solutions provides the best in class global protective, consultative and investigative solutions for organizations to adapt to evolving business objectives and allow for scalability and agility. Through partnerships and strategic alliances, PRS offers support in 65 different countries. Our clients consistently tell us that our solutions are a cut above the competition. We foster a collaborative relationship with clients and vendors leading to the most successful service execution for all parties involved. We strive for each and every service no matter how small or large to have the best customer service experience possible. At PRS you will feel you are working with a partner who has your organizational brand and integrity in-mind.

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